The mission of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is to allow local volunteer medical and health professionals to contribute their skills and expertise throughout the year as well as during times of community need. Our Medical Reserve Corps unit is made of medical and health volunteers who can assist our community during emergencies, such as an influenza epidemic, a chemical spill or an act of terrorism.
Descriptions for Medical Corps Volunteers may include; First Aid Staff, Health Screener, Medicator-Vaccinator, Medical Counseling Lead, Medical Records Coordinator, Medication-Vaccine Clinic Manager, Sick Assessment Coordinator, Special Needs Leader or Assistant, Supply Router Triage Function Leader and other functions. Our Medical Reserve Corps volunteers also offer education and prevention services to improve the health and well-being of their neighborhoods and communities.
Region 2 has adopted the core competencies which represent the base line level of knowledge and skills that all MRC volunteers should have, regardless of their roles within the MRC unit. Because the core competencies establish only a minimum standard, Region 2 has established competencies that first welcomes volunteers at all levels and provides opportunities for progression into leadership roles and prepares the volunteer (if they desire) to be able to respond both on a statewide and national level.
Additional MRC Information
Region 2 MRC Application - All potential Corps members must complete the application process to be a member of the MRC.
Online MRC Orientation - MRC Orientation is for individuals who have an approved application on file with Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management.
National MRC Training - Visit this site to see what additional training is available through the National MRC organization. You are required to register in order to use this site. Below is a list of questions that will be asked that you may not have the answers to, so please answer as follows:
· Page 2: Organization - select Kitsap MRC
· Page 2: Region - select Region X (don't be confused this is a FEMA region not our Homeland Security Region)
· At the end it will ask you to select a program name - select Kitsap County Dept. of Emergency Management
Region 2 MRC Training, Notices, and Events - Information that MRC members need to know or listing of upcoming events will be posted on this page.