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Emergency Plans

The Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management is constantly in the process of preparing and updating comprehensive plans for responding to emergency situations. These plans are developed in conjunction with our local, regional, state and federal partners and affiliates.

Following are our key emergency plans to guide us through the four stages of emergency management - preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. For more information on how you can get and stay prepared for most emergencies, please visit our Preparedness section. To learn about becoming a volunteer, please visit our section on Volunteering.

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
The updated Kitsap County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) provides details about how agencies would respond to emergency events.

Severe Weather Shelter A severe weather shelter is opened for the homeless and/or at-risk population when extreme weather threatens the life safety of the person(s). 

Disaster Recovery Plan
This plan identifies the roles, responsibilities and tasks associated with the nine functions typically performed in all disaster recovery operations. It also provides checklists, ordinances and other aids for recovery teams.

2013 Hazard Mitigation Plan
In 2004 Kitsap County, its political subdivisions, agencies and private or not-for-profit organizations revised the 1999 mitigation plan. Todays plan addresses the many processes, strategies and goals that have changed since 2004. This plan has also been designed to meet the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.

Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis
The Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis is an element of hazard mitigation allowing emergency managers to set goals according to the public's need for protection. This document enhances public and private agency understanding and awareness, influencing the adoption of hazard mitigation programs. The findings revealed in the Hazard Identification and Vulnerability Analysis also serve as a basis for preparedness as well as influencing effective response and recovery programs. This analysis covers hazards most threatening to Kitsap County as determined by history, geologic projections and social and technological trends.

Reducing Earthquake-Tsunami Hazards in Pacific Northwest Ports & Harbors
A demonstration project designed to increase the community's resilience to earthquakes and tsunamis in the Bremerton, Washington area.

K-PREP Business Plan
Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management has developed a model plan for you to use in planning for any hazard that could affect your facility.

School Planning Guide
Schools and colleges need to prepare for a major earthquake. In such an event, school administrators and teachers will have to be self sufficient -- relying on their own resources to care for students and the surrounding community until outside help is available. The Planning Guide includes the School Model Plan.

Child Care Planning Guide & Model Plan
Child care providers have their hands full with the day-to-day duties of taking care of children and running a business. Natural and human-caused disasters can cause chaos for those who are unprepared. Use the Daycare Planning Guide and Model Plan to help you prepare, mitigate, respond and recover from disasters.